Tuesday, September 20, 2011


"Transition" (noun): passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another. (Definition from Webster's Dictionary). That sounds about right.

Vinnie and I have been in 'transition', passing from one state to another, for what sees like forever. Reality is, we've been in this state since we got married. We went from single-hood to married-life, from living with 4 girls (and V
innie with 2 guys) to living with someone from the opposite sex, from working different jobs to full-time support-raising together, from holidays spent alone to visiting two families in a 48-hour span, and most recently...going from raising support to being on campus and moving from a one bedroom apartment to a house!

Taken by our friend, Lindsey

I'm sure there are many more states and stages we've passed through, but those are the highlights. I won't even begin to tell you our though-processes and emotions that have been involved in all of this. I will tell you that the Lord has brought us through it and will continue to do so. I have learned more about His grace and love for
us through this time than I ever before. It's hard sometimes, but so sweet and rich most of the time. Not only do I get to be married to a wonderful, God-fearing man but I also get to walk on two different campuses each week and share the Gospel with students that have never heard anything like it before. It's such a blessing to be entrusted with so much.

And, our house. It's so different from apartment-life/living with 3 other girls that are much more responsible than me! Even this house is a blessing from the Lord and our prayer is that we can steward it well to the glory of God.
The new house!

Please pray with us that the Lord will continue to bring Himself glory through our daily lives. Vinnie and I have been entrusted with much and we seek to be faithful with what He's given us (Matt 25:14-30). How can I be praying for you? How do you handle times where you feel like you're constantly in transition?

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