Friday, July 29, 2011


After praying and thinking, I've decided to revamp this blog. I've enjoyed writing (more so rambling) my thoughts for you to read, but I think it would be better and more glorifying to the Lord (which is really the goal in all of this) to make this blog more about our ministry and what's going on in our lives.

So, this is the beginning of a new blog. Same writer, same family, different information.

Vinnie and I just got back from a 10-day conference in Ft. Collins, Colorado. There were 5,000 other people that work with Campus Crusade for Christ that we got to fellowship and worship with during our time there. It was so rich and such a blessing to be surrounded by a group of like-minded servants of the Lord. Our time there consisted of living in a dorm, eating in the cafeteria, going to main sessions with amazing, godly speakers, attending seminars that were more focused on different topics that peak our interest, hanging out with friends, and walking around the beautiful, quaint town of Ft. Collins.

We also got to spend time with our region and people from around the nation that serve with Epic (the Asian-American student ministry) and Destino (the Latin-American student ministry) around the nation. This time was really sweet because we got to hear what God is doing around the nation to bring these students to Christ and mobilize them to reach their community with the Gospel.

The Casanovas with the Eatons (our good friends from New Staff Training)

You may be interested to know some VERY big news regarding the name of our the U.S. the name Campus Crusade for Christ will now be "Cru"!

We decided to change our name to be more effective in reaching people for Christ. We are in no way ashamed of the Gospel, we are doing everything we can to be more effective in telling people the Good News of Christ. As we considered hundreds of name possibilities, our experience confirmed that Cru would provide greater opportunity to connect men and women with the heart of Jesus, and to help them consider the good news of the gospel.

*Note: Much of this information is found on the website Please feel free to peruse that site as much as you can!

On another note, Vinnie and I are about to embark on a journey to L.A. and Minnesota to visit V's friends and my family. Please be praying that we are able to rest well and grow in our relationship with the Lord during this time. As soon as we get back, we will be attending staff planning meetings and getting ready to report to campus! We are so excited to get back on campuses to reach students for Christ!

Please know you are loved and prayed for. Please leave me a comment telling me how you're doing and ways we can be lifting you up. Until next time!

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